Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm trying not to be a slug........

Today I 'taught' biology for half the day, then on the way home stopped in to say hi to Brennan and Cade and Annie and EmmaRay.....(they were at the store, so I went in to see them there, at old Navy)......then I came home. I made bread, did all the laundry and ironing, cleaned up, called all of my children (some of you twice), ate fresh bread and hot chocolate for dinner and it is only 6:00. Dad won't be home for several hours--I guess I will go sew for a while or something. 'teaching' at the jr/sr/high basically means 'reading', so I don't really feel like reading any more tonight. But, the 'fam' is having fun: S&A are going out to dinner at a friends house, M&L are going up the street to a birthday party, A&M are going out to dinner, K is flying a kite, J&A are hopefully relaxing, and Lisa didn't answer her phone (either sleeping or doing something!!). Dad is up painting the Clearfield house. I had already been up there cleaning for 2 days, and will go again tomorrow, so didn't want to go up again today. The wind chimes are blowing, and the sun is shining, so I thought I would take a walk. I stepped out side, a huge microburst of wind came through and pushed small rocks and dirt in my face and almost blew me over, so I guess I will just stay home and look out the window. That is my day.


Lloyd Family said...

Fun! We went to the zoo today. It was really crowded so we parked at the park and ride and took MAX to the Zoo. That is the first time I have ridden MAX except for down town. We, luckily, got to go right in because we have a zoo pass. The line when we came about was about 3 hours long. Ugg! But we had a good time. The sun was warm and beautiful. We watched a polar bear play with a plastic watering can. She would throw it in the pool and then leap on top of it. Pretty funny. A good day.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were busy all day, though. Just bored at night. I kinda feel that way right now. I've already been to church, eaten lunch, cleaned my room, and took a nap. Now I have about 5 hours before it's ok for me to go to bed. And there's nothing I want to do. Oh well!! I think I'll go for a walk and hopefully I won't blow away. That would feel nice.

angel said...

Thanks for the phone calls! I highly approve of your method for handling loneliness, and I very much appreciate the calls!