Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just the beginning of the mess........

This is the front 'flower' bed...........lovely, isn't it. Can't you see how 'well taken care of it is?.......
One of Cory's points that he made in his rebuttal was that they HAVE kept up the yard. This is the rose bed. Notice the 3 foot weeds? Can't even see the roses......

Sunday, September 28, 2008

They MOVED!!! +4 happy things more

After getting the Ure's rebuttal to our suit for summary judgement on Friday.....and staying up until 3:00 am to make sure we had concrete evidence to hack down all of their 'points', I had a set of nerves hit me. [Even though we DID have concrete evidence on EVERY point--receipts, emails, etc] I had to stop and make sure that I was feeling 'faith, not fear'........even though sometimes the physical body just 'takes over'. [I think that is why I don't feel great today]. If I felt like the court system would truly be just, I wouldn't have had any worries about Friday's court date at all--but it is NOT always just, and their lawyer is one of those that are very slick and slimey ( the kind that advertize on TV--'one call, that's all'....that will get their $$ suing and could care less about the outcome for their client, or the validity of their case--but will make a good show of silver tongued lying, and legal tricks--mainly just really good at every kind of delay tactic, which their rebuttal was. ) So, I was mentally prepared to not get our house back until after Christmas. Saturday the Ure's MOVED OUT!!!! We were going to court Friday to get a court order to MAKE them move--and they are GONE!!!! We are SO thankful!!! We haven't seen the inside damage yet--we want to talk to our lawyer first, and perhaps even have him go with us to view the property the first time, just to make sure that all is OK, and to assess damages. One's imagination is often worse that the real outcome........and I have been imagining a lot! HUGE blessing to have them moved out, anyway!

*Three fun things: First: Annie and Michael invited Lisa, Steve and I to go to the play "Honk" with them. It was so much fun. Cade and Brennan sat on Grandma and Grandpa's lap (I got Brennan until the second half, and then I got Cade. Cade is MUCH heavier than Brennan, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings by trading back for Brennan!!) Both of the boys were SO cute sitting there watching with such excitement every single act. I know that they didn't understand most of it.......but they loved it, clapping at all the right times and sitting so straight and tall, just looking and looking. I enjoyed looking at the back of their heads and watching them clap as much as I did watching the play. They were SO sweet! The play was very good and cute and well done, too.
Second: I got a huge package in the mail from Sara. I opened it, and there were a ton of gifts inside. I thought she must have sent ahead wedding/Christmas gifts as they were coming by plane. Annie said, "No, mom, those are all for you--Sara told me." I sat in my room and had my own marvelous Holiday opening up a whole host of fabulous gifts!! Not only were they fun to open, but fun things, too!!! [Painting set, sculpy, a good book to read, new slippers, hot chocolate, TWO shirts, a darling baby 'duckling'--(stuffed, of course)--well, a WHOLE box of new fun things!!] It was fun then, and fun today when I practiced with the painting set. I was not very good........!
Third: Thursday I get to take myself to Jenny (Clark's) hair salon to get a whole new 'do' courtesy of Allie!! Aren't I spoiled rotten???
And one more thing: It is only a few weeks away when ALL of you will be 'home'. My cup runneth over.....................

Friday, September 26, 2008

An interesting critter

We had a katidid come visit us in our garage this morning. They have to be one of Heavenly Father's most interesting creations! Leaves with legs!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ok, the picture is a little blurry, and it is hard to see anyway, but I cut into this tomato, and the seeds inside were SPROUTED.....some even had full leaves........! We ate it anyway! I can't figure out how it would sprout as a plant....the leaves on some were really green. Where did it get it's chlorophyll?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Faith, not fear

With fast Sunday coming up.....for those of us that can fast: Our court date is coming the following Friday (Oct 3). Pray for us to get our house back!!!!!!!!! [I drove by yesterday. The Ure's were out in 'our' yard. --which, by the way is filled with garbage, toys, shoes, weeds, etc. -- Cory shook his fist at me as I passed by. So mature :) ]
Just with our whole lovely financial situation, I have felt 'fear'.....Sometimes the fear is a bit overwhelming and ends up as a 'pit' in my stomache.
I read something yesterday that said that Faith and Fear can not dwell in a person at the same time. I have felt that I am faith 'filled'----and yet, I fear. I am doing my very best to increase my faith and let go of my fear.
I have felt that my prayers have gone only a foot over my bed, and that I am unworthy of the Lords blessings for some reason. It has been a bit of a lonely season for me.
Sunday, during our very noisey Sacrament meeting, the noise disappeared for me, the Heaven's opened, and for one very short, brief moment I was filled with love from my Heavenly Father. It came and went in a moment, but was very powerful and reassuring. I have been trying to bring that feeling back, as it was truly sweet--but perhaps that glimps of light will be enough to carry me through!
I love you all.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sara's back online :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This morning I got up, and as I was making my bed, a black cricket hopped off my pillow. Gross!
(Though, aren't crickets supposed to bring good luck??) Perhaps there is hope after all!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Sara's computer is 'down', and so she can't post, but worse than that she can't see what others are posting and she is missing everyone. A phone call to her would be cheery! 1-425-749-0264
Pray for Andrew. He is having a hard time physically, which make a hard time work wise.......
Looks like we are being 'tried' from a lot of different directions!

Baby 'wedding' dresses

Sara, this is what Elisabeth's dress looks like, just so you know!!! Grandma Jo is working on the orange bow ties for the little boys........:)

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Thanks for the new posts (those that did). I probably looked at the blogs 20 times this week, and was happy to see the new things!!! Great idea, these blogs, Allie!! Thanks!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I finished!!

I did it......I crocheted a whole sweater (baby size)!!! [Including button holes!] It turned out really cute. Now we will have to see in October who it fits best--EmmaRay, Grace or Elisabeth! Or, if none of the above, then the Humanitarian Service Center. I think it turned out pretty good for my first crocheted sweater pattern. At least the sleeves are the same length and size. Amazing that one ball of 'string' can turn into something to wear!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun pictures with the Thornbrues and Rigby's

Cute family just getting ready to hop out in the car!
Tessa wasn't thrilled about sharing the chair with Brennan, and he doesn't look too excited about sharing with her, either!!! However, Tessa and Cade hit it off really well, and were best buds!
Beautiful Mom, Lisa and Annie
Kids going 'fishin' for prizes!

Happy Early Birthday to Ben!!
Very cute cousins
Fun to eat at the Princess Table!!
It was fun to ride the Pony!!
Cute Ben just out of the bath. [Handsome Ben, but cute to me....]
Grace in a bucket, being played with by Lisa
It was fun for dad to have someone else to play pool with besides himself!!

Cute Grace!