Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Faith, not fear

With fast Sunday coming up.....for those of us that can fast: Our court date is coming the following Friday (Oct 3). Pray for us to get our house back!!!!!!!!! [I drove by yesterday. The Ure's were out in 'our' yard. --which, by the way is filled with garbage, toys, shoes, weeds, etc. -- Cory shook his fist at me as I passed by. So mature :) ]
Just with our whole lovely financial situation, I have felt 'fear'.....Sometimes the fear is a bit overwhelming and ends up as a 'pit' in my stomache.
I read something yesterday that said that Faith and Fear can not dwell in a person at the same time. I have felt that I am faith 'filled'----and yet, I fear. I am doing my very best to increase my faith and let go of my fear.
I have felt that my prayers have gone only a foot over my bed, and that I am unworthy of the Lords blessings for some reason. It has been a bit of a lonely season for me.
Sunday, during our very noisey Sacrament meeting, the noise disappeared for me, the Heaven's opened, and for one very short, brief moment I was filled with love from my Heavenly Father. It came and went in a moment, but was very powerful and reassuring. I have been trying to bring that feeling back, as it was truly sweet--but perhaps that glimps of light will be enough to carry me through!
I love you all.


Michaelangelo said...

We love you so much Mom and pray for you constantly. Wish there was more we could do to lighten the load now-- please let us know!! And count on us to be there to help the sheriff throw everything onto the street. You are a very wonderful person and we love you!

angel said...

I love you, too!
I'm sorry things have been hard and lonely, but I'm really glad you got to have that special experience. I love those. Moments like that make life seem rich and wonderful and rewarding no matter what challenges face you. Hold on to the memory and carry on! You are loved by many, and especially by Heavenly Father. He knows your needs and will take good care of you.

Allie Thornbrue said...

One way that I deal with stress is through humor. And as we just rented "Annie" from the library, I can't resist quoting: "Don't it feel like the wind is always howling? No one cares if you grow or if you shrink..."

Lloyd Family said...

Love you, too. We do pray for you often. When we come for the wedding, perhaps we can help paint and clean your house. We'll have all day on Saturday!