Saturday, November 27, 2010


Posts without pictures are kind of boring, but I still can't find my camera anywhere.  I had a dream about it the other night and I could 'see'' it, but not exactly where it was.  I am very sad about it!
However, we did have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Mom had such a beautiful meal and table set.  She works too hard!  The food was fantastic.  I don't know how we (Dad/Lisa/and I) were so lucky (and Sara/Andrew and family) to be the recipients of the great food feast, and fun company.  Dad and Grandpa watched football......including LAST YEARS BYU/UTAH football game!  I worked on finishing a few projects, and Dad, Andrew, Lisa and I worked on grading her papers.  Sara helped do projects, and rested a bit.  It was a wonderful time, but we did Mom and Dale in.  They were happy to have us leave, I know, but so gracious to have us come. 
We all enjoyed ourselves.  Dad did a few projects like fixing a picture, replacing light bulbs and fixing a hole in a bedroom ceiling.  We weren't terribly helpful, but we tried!  It was a nice time:
So, picture the most beautiful table set in a most beautiful home with perfect food, surrounded by wonderful people, and that was our Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


There are still not pictures of Adelynn Joanne because I can't find my camera anywhere...........:(
There are also not posts of the FOOT of snow we got last night for the same reason.
(There are still leaves on the trees..............!)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This is supposed to be:

This should be a blog with pictures of my new grandbaby Adelynn Joanne; but I don't have time to download pictures right now.  You can see her on Angela and Michael's site.  She is very cute and sweet and pink.