Friday, January 30, 2009


Dad was heating up honey in the microwave. When he opened the door, the honey exploded all over his face, glasses, neck, shirt, floor, shirt, everywhere. He only has one little blister on his cheek and two little red marks on his neck. He COULD have 2nd degree burns all over his face/eyes/neck. I just have a sticky mess, which I gratefully cleaned up. The honey was HOT! How the honey didn't burn and blister his face is a miracle, and we are truly thankful.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sara posted!!!

Sara's computer has been down forever......but she finally made a little post (one picture so far). Check it out!!!! I am excited to have her back!

A staged yawn just for my blog!!!

One Saturday night dad said, "I have never noticed anyone yawn as much as Alex does......I thought on Christmas it was just because it was a sleepy day, but he really yawns a lot." I hadn't noticed. However, on the way to church Sunday morning, Alex let out a huge noisy yawn. It gave me the giggles.......and I couldn't stop laughing. We had to tell them 'why'....... So, now, poor Alex can't get in a good yawn without everyone noticing. So, I told him that I would post a BIG yawn on our website, so he could become a family famous yawner. Once I had my camera ready, he had no more yawns, so I made him 'pretend'..............
I will miss Alex and Kristen as they head off to their new adventures.........

Happy Birthday Lisa!!

Happy Birthday to Lisa (Did you remember to call her???)
Praying for your happiest year ever!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

At least it was a 3 week 'sub' job!

Strike out 'my class of children'...........I didn't think the job would last very long, because it was a 'whim' of the dad; and I wondered how long the whim would last. Only 3 weeks long!! Well, onward and upward I guess........
On to better things!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to Lisa on Friday, and to Grandpa Dale on the 31st!!!
--------Well, I had a cute picture to post of Lisa and Grandpa, but it is in CCF format
so it won't post, and I don't know how to change it.........But, Happy Birthday!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I love a bargain

Our neighborhood grocery store had Life Cereal and all variates of Captain Crunch for $1/box. I bought 15 boxes! It might not be the most nutritious thing on the planet, but it would be a sweet treat if you had nothing else.....and it takes up lots of room on the shelves so it looks 'full' again! [Well, fuller!] Happy day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My class of children........

Annie, Ariea and Jarad
They are as cute and sweet as they look.
Extremely beautiful singing voices.....incredible, actually!