Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bell Canyon Hike

Top of the Bells, Salt Lake Valley in the background. Approximately 8000 ft. elevation.

Nearly to the top of the Bells

West Bell and Middle Bell

Middle Bell with its thumb

This canyon is one of the routes to the top of Loan Peak.  This shot is from about the 6000 foot level.

The trail was "a little steep" in sections

Lower Falls

Upper Falls

Bell Canyon Reservoir.  About one-half mile from the trail head. Approximately 5000 ft. elevation.

View from the lower falls.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I really hate it when I leave my camera behind!

Picture:  10 darling grandchildren having a sword fight
Picture:  James and Allie's beautiful home and yard
Picture:  How messy toddlers can get with a simple package of m and m's
Picture:  Joshua and Cade sliding down a huge slide all by themselves.
Picture:  Michael and James and kiddo's riding in the go carts (are they go carts?.....little race cars around a track)
Picture:  Family Home Evening and Sunday Testimony time.  So sweet.
Picture:  Perfect children in Primary
Picture:  Allie coming in without even breaking a sweat a long time ahead of the others in the 10K
Picture:  Ultimate frisbee
Picture:  Games, fun, laughter
Picture:  Perfect and delicious meals
Picture:  Kids playing in the backyard and at the playground
Picture:  Lots of wind
Picture: Darling bedrooms
Picture:  Love
And that was our trip to Denver!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Camping Pictures!

Alex trying to Rescue some bobbers from a tree.  We wondered how in the world so many people cast INTO that tree.  It was full of line and leader.........

Grandpa and Cade

Annie.  This was after we moved to a different Lake....from Washington Lake to Mirror lake.   It was low, too.

Alex casting into the evening shadows

Brennan Fishing

We were laughing at Ray because she had popcorn stuck on her cheek!

Hiking back to camp (this looks rather barren, but it was because this is normally covered with water.....)

Miss Ray carrying her chair

The water was low.......look at the roots!!!

This one wasn't very big, but it still counts!!!

Kristen got stuck in the muck!

Okay, I was adding pictures in order, and now they are coming out on top....frustrating.  Anyway, Alex caught a lot of fish, too!  It was fun.

At Sportsman's Warehouse before leaving town
We had the best camp spot, right by this meadow and funny crooked tree!

Dad caught lots of fish