Thursday, September 2, 2010

Camping Pictures!

Alex trying to Rescue some bobbers from a tree.  We wondered how in the world so many people cast INTO that tree.  It was full of line and leader.........

Grandpa and Cade

Annie.  This was after we moved to a different Lake....from Washington Lake to Mirror lake.   It was low, too.

Alex casting into the evening shadows

Brennan Fishing

We were laughing at Ray because she had popcorn stuck on her cheek!

Hiking back to camp (this looks rather barren, but it was because this is normally covered with water.....)

Miss Ray carrying her chair

The water was low.......look at the roots!!!

This one wasn't very big, but it still counts!!!

Kristen got stuck in the muck!

Okay, I was adding pictures in order, and now they are coming out on top....frustrating.  Anyway, Alex caught a lot of fish, too!  It was fun.

At Sportsman's Warehouse before leaving town
We had the best camp spot, right by this meadow and funny crooked tree!

Dad caught lots of fish 


Lloyd Family said...

What fun!!

Michaelangelo said...

I obviously haven't looked at blogs recently! Fun pictures of the camping trip Mom! What a fun day :)

Lloyd Family said...

Spinninng rods? Spinninng rods....I'm speechless. It hurts to much to say anything.**sniff**