Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year day, and Thanks and H.Birthday all rolled into one!

We were just sitting around watching a little Mission Impossible....when in comes Michael with a big surprise. I was shocked!!!

Here are Cade and Brennan sitting on my brand new dryer that their mommy and daddy surprised me with!!!!
Happy everything day to me :) I had JUST taken a load out of the washer to go hang up is now drying away happily in my laundry room!


Lloyd Family said...

Well, spoil my surprise. Annie and I needed to have talked. We were going to get you a new dryer when we came in March.

Anonymous said...

I wish I still lived at home so I can be there when Annie and Michael randomly show up!

Lori Thornbrue said...

Kristen, now YOU get to be the one that randomly shows up!! How fun is THAT?

Michaelangelo said...

Beat you to it Merilee-- we owed Mom big time for helping us out so much the last few months. We didn't think it was very fair for her to come to our house and do our laundry and then have to go home and do her laundry without a dryer... the dryer doesn't make up for even a tenth of how grateful we are to Mom and Dad for everything, but at least it's a little bit to show our appreciation. :)