Wednesday, February 13, 2008


After being 50 degrees on Monday, and playing out in the driveway with trucks and riding toys, it is kind of a blow to have THIS happen again today.....again you can not 'see' the flakes, but it is snowing 'blizzard conditions'.....4 inches in the last hour.....blowing and drifting to 3-4 feet in places!! So, trying to think of something fun indoors:
What could be more fun than playing in the wheat?


Lloyd Family said...

I love playing in wheat! What a fun activity for a blizzardy day. I can't believe how much snow you guys have had this year. We are enjoying spring here. My bulbs are starting to come up and I am getting the itch to get outside and pull weeds. Sounds crazy, but I actually enjoy it. It is very theraputic for me!

Lori Thornbrue said...

Mer...I also love pulling weeds and working in the yard. But, I also enjoyed most of shoveling the sidewalks this morning....:)I guess you have to enjoy what ya get, cause snow is all I've got!!