Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shhh! Don't tell Summer!!

I have been working on a quilt for quite a while. It had a gadzillion little pieces to all put together. While I was making it, I thought, "This is for Summer's birthday" so I stitched lots of love into it for Summer. Unfortunately, none of the other granddaughter's will be so I am not ever going to make another one!!! MAYBE they will get ONE value color flower??? We'll see. Anyway, it is done, and I like it, and I hope Summer will like it, too. In case you can't tell in the picture, it is the Young Women's medallian and then 'roses' (that look more like tulips) in the value colors.

The bottom of the medallian (which is hard to see in the picture) is tons of 'leaves' and circles inlayed on top of each was hard!! But, it is done.....!!


James said...


Don't click on the link above. It's just an ad. The quilt looks great.

Michaelangelo said...

Love it Mom!! That was quite a project!! Looks beautiful!

Lloyd Family said...

Wow, that is a lot of work. Summer will love it! You are quite on the ball this year, since Summer's birthday is not until September.

angel said...

WOW!!! What an amazing quilt! That's a real treasure.

Grandma Jane said...

You are amazing! This quilt is so fantastic! I admire your talents and these gifts to the grandkids are priceless. I have enjoyed your sweet tender comments on our blog. Thanks!