Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I spent a relatively okay day at Cyprus High School today.  The last thing a kid said to me as he was leaving last period was, "It must #*$ to be a substitute".  I felt understood at least by one student.......pardon his language!

Then I went to the grocery store, came home, put food away and watched one of the SWEET American Girl Doll Movies from Sara.  It was really, really good.

Dad fixed me a beautiful dinner which we ate by candlelight, and then Annie, Michael and Kiddo's came and brought us a date in a bag (popcorn, candy, movie and a book to read).  EmmaRay said, "HappBirthday", and the boys were sweet and cute.

All my precious kiddo's called me at least once today.

Aren't I the luckiest woman on the planet?  Now.......if I could just hold you in my arms for a minute.....
Some day soon!


2Grandmas2 said...

awwww....sniff, sniff. I understand that arm ache thing. There is nothing like holding your babies, no matter how big they are. It just feels so right. I'm glad your special day ended so great. I'm sure you had huge smiles as you dreamt. Aging is NOT over rated; it is fantastic to just be able to sit back and watch our children with their families. I especially revel in it on each birthday. We are truly blessed every minute of every day. Tissue, please...

Stephanie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Aunt Lori, dear,
Happy days will come to you all year.
If I had a wish than it would be
A happy, happy birthday to you from me!


angel said...

Hooray! I'm glad it was a pretty good day. I sure love you lots.

Kristen said...

Awe. I need a mommy hug. I'll be home in about two weeks!! It's so far away!!! Love you!