Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fun with the kiddo's

I added all of the pictures, and now it won't let me add words except for underneath them all.  Like any good grandma, I had their coats on when we went to the grocery store--I mean it was only 37 degrees outside.  What you don't see in the picture is that EmmaRay was barefoot!
We walked to the candy store (corner gas station).  I hope you noticed the brown grass.  All of Utah has brown grass, and brown everything right now.  Not too pretty.  Cade wrote down directions:  First you go west, then north then turn east and you are there!
We spent lots of time at the libraray.
I considered it a major feat to get them in their car seats!
Here they are at preschool.
They are painting little ceramic shoes from Lisa.
Here we are on a tumbleweed hunt.
Dad found a great one.
I was reading to the kids while EmmaRay was coloring.  She fell asleep.
A pile of beads took up about two days of fun playing.
We ended with dinner and "Piglets big Movie"  Very cute show!


2Grandmas2 said...

Now wait a walked to the grocery store and Emma had no shoes on? ;-)

Lloyd Family said...

Want to come play Grandma at my house for a while?

Lori Thornbrue said...

Merilee: Yes!!!

Kristen said...

I miss you!

angel said...

Aw, what fun! Those are cute little people.