Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year day, and Thanks and H.Birthday all rolled into one!

We were just sitting around watching a little Mission Impossible....when in comes Michael with a big surprise. I was shocked!!!

Here are Cade and Brennan sitting on my brand new dryer that their mommy and daddy surprised me with!!!!
Happy everything day to me :) I had JUST taken a load out of the washer to go hang up is now drying away happily in my laundry room!

Lisa and S&A

Those of you that don't have links, yet, to Lisa and Sara and Andrew, don't forget to add them :)!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Good morning world......You do forget how small they are...
Look who woke up just as I was leaving. She slept the whole time I was there today....:)

'Course, she doesn't let Annie sleep at night, but she's cute!!!

Hickory, Dickory, Dock

It isn't really fun to take out the garbage (to the garage) and not only hear the pitter patter of little feet, but SEE them as well............then yesterday, I opened the garage door and the mice scurried out of my way. Considerate little creatures. Needless to say, there is now, hopefully enticing, peanut butter in some nice traps so that I don't have to come and go from the front door!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I've had a birthday, shout Hurrah!!

A good book and some Mission Impossible.....what could be better? Thanks, dad!!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Aren't I lucky? Not only did I get the greatest smelling perfume, and a beautiful scarf, but I got a new purse, too!!! Thank you James, Allie, Marie, Tessa, Ben and Grace. I can't think of a more perfect happy birthday, unless you showed up at my door!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

First we went out to dinner........

G & G Koester took us out to dinner for my birthday....this is during the visit right after eating. Annie must have eaten just the right amount, because the next morning.................
I don't want to take too much from what they will post, but it is fun to see anyway!!
Cade and Brennan think mommy is in a funny bed

EmmaRay Star Rigby 3 hours old

Lisa thinks she is awfully cute and sweet

This is great grandchild #44, fun to be here on her birthday

Brennan gets to hold her, she is soft........

Cade holds EmmaRay

Annie is in the hospital

We are awaiting news any minute for a new baby to be your neice or cousin should arrive shortly.........

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Annie invited me to go to Ikea with her today

On our way to do some window shopping at Ikea
It was fun to step on the fish rugs. Cade and Brennan put them away when they were done

Cade and Brennan hiding in 'bed'

Cade makes a scary 'duck?' In an igloo with a guinea pig friend

Brennan found a package of balls that looked mighty fun.

Drawing on the computer

Hiding in the Drapes

Drawing on the easel.

Eating lunch.....a yummy hot dog!!

In the car heading home.....
A fun day was had by all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If you go to, you can see my website, though I can not for the life of me figure out how to add a home into the featured listings..........
Guess I will have to get some help!

Sara's blog

For those of you that might not can click into Sara and Andrew's blog from my site. I can't make comments.......but, it is cute and fun and HURRAY, we are a full family of bloggers now!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Makeshift Dryer

See the fan? See the laundry basket?? Hurrah for basements when the dryer breaks!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shhh! Don't tell Summer!!

I have been working on a quilt for quite a while. It had a gadzillion little pieces to all put together. While I was making it, I thought, "This is for Summer's birthday" so I stitched lots of love into it for Summer. Unfortunately, none of the other granddaughter's will be so I am not ever going to make another one!!! MAYBE they will get ONE value color flower??? We'll see. Anyway, it is done, and I like it, and I hope Summer will like it, too. In case you can't tell in the picture, it is the Young Women's medallian and then 'roses' (that look more like tulips) in the value colors.

The bottom of the medallian (which is hard to see in the picture) is tons of 'leaves' and circles inlayed on top of each was hard!! But, it is done.....!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

It is pretty

When the sun is starting to set, and the mountains are pink, it is PRETTY!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

We woke up in the morning......

So, it was up to me to shovel the sidewalks. See that thing with a hole in the top sticking out of where I stopped shoveling for a moment. That is an 18 inch ruler, with a one inch 'handle' with a hole in the top. Needless to say it took me quite a while to shovel the walks, and then I only did one snow shove width!! Luckily the sidewalk drifts were lower than the yard......our yard is up to my waiste!! Yesterday morning the sidewalks were bare!! No wonder it took Lisa 3 hours to get home from work!! (And more than 2 to get TO work today...her car was snowed into a 5 foot drift, and her entire street was a 4 foot drift.......little hard to drive through....she had to be pushed!! While she was stuck, there were 2 other cars stuck on her street!! I just stayed home.
Now you know why we kept Annie, Cade and Brennan here last night!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today's blizzard is so bad, it took Lisa 3 hours to get home from work. (1/2 hour drive). Dad is still at the office. It took Michael 1 1/2 hours to get home his 15 min. commute. Annie, Cade, Brennan and I are snowed in at our house......they will not be going home tonight. Also, if the baby comes tonight, we are calling an Ambulance!! It is BAD out......we have nearly another foot already and it is still coming down.
Get out the hot chocolate.


After being 50 degrees on Monday, and playing out in the driveway with trucks and riding toys, it is kind of a blow to have THIS happen again today.....again you can not 'see' the flakes, but it is snowing 'blizzard conditions'.....4 inches in the last hour.....blowing and drifting to 3-4 feet in places!! So, trying to think of something fun indoors:
What could be more fun than playing in the wheat?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Typical Sunday at our house

My primary class, minus the 5 kids. Two came a bit late, but not in time for the picture
Dad doing dishes even though he spent the last 12 hours staight at chuch and he has a headache

Cade doesn't usually watch a movie, but Lady and the Tramp kept him quiet--as today Lisa and Dad both had a headache.

Lisa, usually grades a few papers, but today wasn't feeling well....just sitting extremely glad that I took this picture, I am sure!

Brennan checking out Nephi's bow

Annie and Michael trying to find girls names on the computer. Brennan looks on.

Lisa reading the family blogs

Annie, taking a minute off the sofa to stand and stretch.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

You would get bored

If I were to show you another picture of what is happening outside our window!! Another snowstorm........this time accompanied by Thunder and Lightening!! So, just look at the last few blogs and add about 5 more inches, and you'll have an idea.......

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Dad got it all clear, and even ice melt on the lasted a day!
You can't tell it is snowing like a blizzard outside and accumulating fast, again this morning! The sidewalk and street has gotten an inch in the last 15 min.! Here we go again. For some reason, this winter, I love it! (Except that I have to leave and go drive in it, and you can barely see, and there is ICE under the new snow in all of the neighborhoods.)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Global Warming?

It is hard for us to worry about global warming........when the view out our window is a winter wonderland!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dad, bailing us out again!

Dad shoveling away
Dad said that in the undrifted places there is a good 15 inches. Biggest snowfall I ever remember! Neighbors have a snow would be nice!!

One more snow picture

Ok....the plows just came is still snowing hard...don't you love the clear road out is more like 'what road'.....Plus the drifts down the steps!! The driveway has a 4 foot drift that has formed as the snow traveled around Grandma and Grandpa's car.........Unless I want to dig myself out, I can't back out of the driveway. Is church cancelled? Of course not!
Dad is still at the Stake Center working away......!! Guess I best get shoveling.

What a Winter!!!

Talk about a marshmallow world in the winter.......
I know a camera never does it justice.....but since Dad left for church at 5:45 this morning, until now, 7:30......there isn't a tire track, foot, print, or mark.........and it is about a foot deep!