Thursday, August 13, 2009

There's a hole in the bottom of the sea........

And Meri's keys fell in the hole..........! Because she is on 'vacation' and can't blog at the moment--poor girl was heading to Seattle so they could take the kids to Enchanted Parks. It was cheaper to stop and buy tickets at a discount than to wait until the day they went (today) to buy Meri stopped. Then there was a ton of traffic (got to love Seattle area rush hour)--and Meri was driving with the kids. Lance was already in Seattle. So, there was this lovely park and she said, "Why don't we play at the park for an hour before we finish heading up to Sara's?" So, they did. Then there was this lake with paddle boats. Meri is always up for a great they went out in the paddle boat. About in the middle of the lake, there went Meri's keys.......The water was so murky that there was no way for her to possibly see them even if she dove in after them. So, she called a lock smith. Hmmmmmm. Her car needed a code from a dealership. The dealerships were closed at 6:00. She was parked in a 4 hour zone. The lady at the park said it was a high car theft and vandalism zone. So, she had to have the car towed to the dealership. It was going to take the tow truck a while to get Lance came down, got the kids and took them to Bobbi's and then was going to head back to pick up Merilee....They were going to sleep at Bobbi's instead of Sara's because it was closer, and they have to be back to the dealership early to get a key made so that they can get to Enchanted Parks by 9:00 to meet friends there. I told her I hope that this wasn't the beginnings of what is to come on this 'vacation'. Doesn't sound very restful.....more stressful! But, later they will laugh about it!

1 comment:

Allie Thornbrue said...

Sounds terrible. I would just die!