Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cinnamon Wood Home

Can I just say that I don't want to own any homes but the one I live in. I never, ever, ever, ever want to be a landlord. I don't like to be the mean guy in the neighborhood to evict tenants. I HATE that weight on my shoulders. UGGGGHHHH!!! But, it is also not my fault that they don't pay! [But 'if we pay, we can't make our car payement.'].......Well, if you don't pay we can't buy groceries------and would you like to trade cars with me? Frustrating. Thanks for letting me vent a bit on my blogspot!


Alex said...

I totally agree on the annoying people who get into too much and they put people lower than businesses just because they can. Don't go buy a new car stupid people! Don't count those chickens that haven't hatched yet... you can't plan on having more money until you actually have it in your hands.

Allie Thornbrue said...

So lose your car! Ride a bike!

Today I got a call from a company offering to help me with my "unfair" mortgage payments. Boy, he got an earful. And then when I was done, I told him, "What isn't fair, is that so many people got in over their heads and now that they have gone into foreclosure, my house is worth $100,000 less that what I paid for it. And to top it off, my tax dollars are going to pay off their debt."

Stephanie said...

WOW, Allie, I would have liked to have heard that conversation...I bet it threw the caller for a loop! Maybe, the next time one calls here, I'll have to take your lead instead of having my 2 1/2 yr old talk to them while I giggle from behind. You are absolutly right, it's not fair.

Aunt Lori, I remember when we moved back to WA after living in VA and the people who were renting our house in Sumner wouldn't leave...we ended up living in two houses (for short amounts of time, thankfully, but still, 2 houses) before they finally left. And when we did get back into our house, it was discovered that they had a goat that had it's way with the INSIDE of the house, they tore up all the raised flower and garden beds in the backyard, and destoryed the beautiful stone outdoor grill my dad had made. Yeah, I've pretty much determined that I will never be a landlord. I don't have the heart, or the stomach, for it.

Michaelangelo said...

Blah! Silly tenants. Silly world. Silly that you can't just say "Please move" and have people say "Okay, sorry I couldn't pay my responsibility" and have it over and done with. Yuck. Praying that it all works out AND FAST!

Michaelangelo said...

Allie, I think that's totally awesome about the telemarketer call!! Good for you. Put all that in your letter to the congressmen... or better yet, in a second letter to your congressmen so it doesn't get lost!