Thursday, August 20, 2009

My eyes

Ouch! My eyes have been hurting SO much lately. The last few days I was sure I was going blind. I spent a goodly portion of two days on my bed in a dark room with my eyes shut. I went to the eye Dr. He said that I do have my right eye tugging on my retna......and so to be careful and not jog, jump, play volleyball or do any jerking movements with my head.........I told him but my other eye hurts too. Yesterday there was even a VERY distinct color difference between eyes (what I saw, not what my eyes looked like). My left eye had a tan veil over it. He said I had one of two things....either a migraine in my eyes or a mild stroke. I took the migraine answer! After I got home, dad and I got to thinking: you know, it might be that last week I got clonked on the head really hard twice! Maybe that has something to do with it. [The first clonk when when I was vacuuming the stairs and the vacuum was at the top of the stairs, and I was near the bottom when it came flying down the stairs and clonked me on the head hard enough that I saw stars. The next was when I was helping to carry some boxes out of Annie's neighbors garage and hit the SAME place on the ladder they had hanging from their garage ceiling. Maybe I really had a concussion? Anyway.........It still hurts to look out of these portals, but I am getting better, I think. :)


Michaelangelo said...

Ouch ouch ouch! I'm so sorry you got a concussion at my house and a migraine from it... rest until you get better!!

THANK YOU for the FANTASTIC birthday gifts! Love you!!

Lori Thornbrue said...

In case anyone is jealous, her birthday gifts weren't really very fantastic, she is just extra nice!