Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have subbed for the last week for a has been painful. I have been pelted with flying objects, had gum stuck on me, and today I was threatened...."It's all that [blankety blank's] fault (that they had to copy everything that was written on the board 3 times)--we'll get her after school." And sworn at. The "you......[blankety blank]" was the LAST straw. I burst into tears, grabbed the boy that swore at me and marched down to the office. They are the WIMPIEST administrators I have EVER EVER seen. They didn't even have the boy that swore at me appologize.....they just said to him, "Now (in a tone that indicated 'sonny'), you made a bad choice; don't do it again." About the kids that threatened to 'get me' after school, because I couldn't determine exactly WHO said it--just the group of 6 HUGE boys (I mean, I'm talking 6 feet tall and 200 and above pounds).....then they said, "Well, there is nothing that we can really do about that."
Guess who will never go back to West Lake Junior High? ME!!! This has been a PAINFUL week.


angel said...

That sounds horrible! I'm sorry it has been such a difficult week. WE love you!

Lloyd Family said...

I can't even imagine. And I think Jarom is hard-- I'll take him over those kids any day. At least I can spank him if he REALLY gets out of control.