Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dad and Brennan's birthday celebration last Sunday on Mother's day

Ah, I forget that the pictures come out on top instead of under the previous picture! Anyway, EmmaRay thought the whole birthday thing rather exhausting!
Look at those cute boys (not at the lop sided cake!!!)


Lloyd Family said...

Happy Birthday to both of you!!

Anonymous said...

The lop sided cake is great. I bet it still tastes the same!! Fun! Happy Birthday!!

Michaelangelo said...

We still need to get that great picture of Dad and Brennan from Lisa... Fun times! Cute baby Ray too!

angel said...

Glad it was a fun day!
We didn't even attempt a cake. Joshua had brownies for his birthday, and Andrew had cheesecake for his!

Allie Thornbrue said...

My kids would love to dig into that chocolate cake!

Lloyd Family said...

We did not get video of Ezra walking yet. It takes 2 hands to catch him and the 2 of us to walk between. We are going to get out the video camera tomorrow and hope for a good film!! He is pretty excited to have figured it out!!