Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kathy's baby blessing

Today we went to Kathy 'Pond's'......I can never remember her married blessing. Anyway, it was nice, and their sacrament meeting was better than ours was. Much more reverent. Very good testimonies.
I didn't take my camera, but I wish that I would have......all of the Pond and Clark kids were there.....I would have liked to have gotten family shots. It was a bit of a shock to see Randy Pond home from his mission early. I don't know why, but it couldn't have been too bad--as he stood in the circle to bless his nephew. Maybe he just couldn't take the missionary pressure or something........? He was in Provo.
Anyway, it was nice to see everyone. Karen and Gary are going to Canada to pick up David next month, so that will be fun. Brad and Jenny's baby boy is grown up and looks a bit like a little man. Extra small for being 1 1/2......but, when you start out at 1.1 lbs! Jenny is pregnant, and already past the time that Preston was born.....she isn't it is much better this time--and they are expecting a full term baby.
Fun day. Wish that all the Thornbrue kids were there, too.......but we got half!!
Love you all.......pray for you all.....!


The Clarks said...

We got your family picture but I'm wondering if that picture was scanned or digital. It was very pixelated and not very clear. If it was scanned maybe you could give me the picture and I could get a high resolution scan on it and that would work much better. Just email me at

angel said...

I'm so glad that little Preston is doing so well! How fun to get together with family. I've always loved that.