Wednesday, May 14, 2008

See Grandma Go. Go, Grandma, go.

Since I am at school until the end of the year, and the school has a really nice track, I decided that I would run the track during lunch. (I have 2 hours!!!) My goal was to run 1 mile by June 5th. Today was my second day.....and I ran 1/4 then walked 3/4 of the way around the quarter
mile thing. My last lap I ran 1/2 and walked 1/2. [Wimpy, I know.....], but still the best I could do. Then I saw a kid with a knife. I went over to him and told him to give it to me. [In retrospect, probably there were about 16 boys, I was on the track, way out of sight or screaming help from anyone at the school, and the kid did have a knife with about a 7 inch blade on it.] Of course he refused. I told him he could hand it to me, or he could walk with me to the office to turn it in. He started walking with me. When we got outside the fence around the track, he took off. I took off after him. He went around a building, ditched the knife over a neighbor's back yard fence, and then I got him. We marched into the office......About 2 hours later, I saw him marching out of the school with his mom and a policeman. So, that was my bit of adventure. My legs haven't been sore from the track or the biking, but they were sure sore after the sprint!! Go, Grandma, Go!!


Michaelangelo said...

Mom, next time don't approach them alone! You didn't tell me it was a big group of boys-- I thought 2 or 3. Crazy. I'm glad he didn't turn around and use his knife!!! Glad everything turned out so well in the end. You definitely got your workout today!

Allie Thornbrue said...

You really do win a Darwin award. You are also my HERO!

I'll spend quite a bit of time on my knees tonight on your behalf. We love you so much.

angel said...

Whoa! Scary!

Lloyd Family said...

Glad you're OK. I find my self doing things like that and then thinking, "That was probably pretty dumb." Like today I asked some teenagers who were walking their dog if they were going to clean up the mess it made in my neighbors front lawn. They said they would "on the way back." Fat chance, I thought. But then I worried that they would retaliate and send their dog into my yard or something worse. (Although what is worse than dog poop, I don't know).