Saturday, August 23, 2008


Breannan was bitten in nursery, and now he likes to bite Cade. Annie and I bought some food from the food co-op and I picked it up today and went over to deliver to Annie. [As an aside, I definately didn't deliver quite enough to Annie.....whow, there was tons of produce: What do you do with eggplant? I have 6] Anyway: Cade had a bandaid on his finger (Annie said broken skin on both sides.....ouch).......Plus a full set of teeth marks on his arm. I 'kissed' him better and he said, "I don't know why Brennan bited me.....I'm not food!"


Allie Thornbrue said...

I really don't like the influences of other kids. I told you about the letters I wrote to the kids' teachers and that the teachers were really supportive.

Then, on Friday Marie came home and told me that she couldn't go to school on a rainy or snowy day because the teacher said she would bring in "Sponge Bob" for them to watch during recess. Argggg.

Lori Thornbrue said...

Yup, that is why I rarely let my kids play with anyone else....and then usually only at our house....and not before they were 5! Do you know how many rainy and snowy days you will encounter in Denver????

angel said...

Slice the eggplants into really thin slices, dip them in butter and then in flour, and then fry them. It's really good!

Lloyd Family said...

Yes, sometimes I wonder why Dylan is so "hard". Then I see him with other kids his age and think that he is amazing. It is a matter of perspective, I suppose. I wouldn't want ANY of those other kids.

Allie Thornbrue said...

Just so you know, last night Marie packed her bag to take to your house. She packed pajammas, a toothbrush, a pair of "clean clothes" (the outfit she had worn to school), and two toys.

Marie told her teacher that she was coming to visit you this weekend and when her teacher asked where you lived, she said, "On the other side of the mountains."