Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm tired........

I have worked really hard for the last 4 days, and I am really tired and a bit stiff and sore!!!
Otherwise, it has been a bit of a quiet, lonely week. While working (cleaning houses for Annie and Michael), I listened to Books on Tape........It was kind of nice to work physically, listen to something entertaining, yet kind of mindless........and forget about everything else for a while!
Well, back to my reality!
Love and miss you all by the way!


angel said...

Hi Mom!
Sorry, I typed up comments to your other recent blogs, but Blogger wasn't able to publish them at the time.
I love you.
I'm sorry you're tired.
I pushed myself really hard yesterday to get our house nice and clean even though I was exhausted. It looks and feels much better. I collapsed in bed around midnight or 1:00 and felt tired through and through, then was kept up for much of the night. (We were watching two little girls. One of them wet the bed three times during the night!)Thankfully, I was blessed that I didn't feel particularly tired when I was up at night and did quite well today until late in the afternoon when I got to take a nap. Hooray! The Lord truly does watch over us and strengthen us when we need it.

Allie Thornbrue said...

You should check out my parents' blog. There are some great pictures of our campout there!