Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is what I did today

I don't know if you can even tell what these are.....but they are little patchwork pillows....with a yellow arrow on them for my primary class. This is why I want 6 kids in my class not 13. The tag says follow the light by reading your scriptures, saying your prayers and following Jesus. It was a nice thing to do with little scraps of left over fabric....most left over from bear, dog and cat quilts!! Took longer than I thought. I only made 12....rarely do all 13, of course, tomorrow, they will all be there..................:)


Michaelangelo said...

Mom you are the best primary teacher on the planet. Your class is lucky!!!

Lloyd Family said...

Yes, you are the best primary teacher in the world-- and a great mom and grandma!!

angel said...

You're amazing!