Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun in Portland!!

Merilee and Ezra on the teeter-totter

Elijah swinging

Ezra swinging

Jarom sitting with his class

Jarom, Joshua and friend at the park after school

Elijah found swinging to be exhausting!

Cute Summer helping Ezra with his pencil craft

Sweet Merilee in her kitchen

Dylan was so cute with the kids.  Here he is having a crawling race with Elijah.

Merilee and Ezra inside the Santa I made for them.

My camera isn't working right, but Elisabeth looked so cute with her baby on the sofa, even though she was sick the whole trip.

Elisabeth loved the swings

Joshua got brave enough to go down this big slide all by himself!
The other side of the teeter totter
Cute Ezra

Ezra on the big slide

Meri's back porch, the boys getting ready to walk to school

So many fun places to play!


Michaelangelo said...

Wish I could have joined you... minus the sick kids part anyway!

Lloyd Family said...

It was fun to have everyone here-- minus the sick kids part, too!