Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ezra update

Ezra is in the hospital.....they actually 'caught' him in a fainting spell in the emergency room, so now they are monitoring him. [He does quit breathing.....!] The first seizure medicine they put him on will NOT work for him.....he was awake all night and couldn't control himself. (Not that two year olds control themselves very well anyway!)
Last night about 10 they came and said that he also has H1N1. So, he is starting on Tamiflu, too.
Pray for Meri's family---that's all they need to have the flu spreading around, too. Which means, of course, that all the little kids at Jarom's birthday party were exposed. And we wonder why the flu spreads so fast?
Praying for all of you! Hopefully Merilee and Ezra will leave the hospital with a game plan of treatment for Ezra's long term care :)--and it will be an easy and livable plan for all involved!

1 comment:

Michaelangelo said...

I told Merilee that I bet he had the flu too... crazy doctors/hospitals!! If they would just get the tests back then maybe the kids would get better!! I know that wasn't the real issue with Ezra, but seriously, it took them a day and a half to figure that one out??? Poor little guy. Glad they at least have a game plan, and glad they are home now.