Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here are a few more pictures.

Andrew at home in the kitchen!

Joshua and his 'cheese' smile!

Elisabeth enjoying the bouncy out under the tree.

Joshua on a date with Grandma at the park. It is EASY to take a child to the park. It is NOT so easy to get them to go home again! :)

Once we saw Elisabeth scooting out the door with a book in her hand. Obviously we hadn't been watching her very closely, because the pool was floating with books and toys!

It's fun to have a new baby in the house. Elisabeth, in particular, loves being a little mother.

Merilee Reading Boy Soup to the kids!

Elisabeth heading out to the Dr's office

A car seat is so cumbersome for a newborn! Elijah did a good job on the way to the Dr.

Best friend cousins!


angel said...

Those are cute pictures, Mom! Thanks!

Allie Thornbrue said...

I was waiting for that second batch of pictures. I can't believe how big Elizabeth is getting.

Kristen said...

Mommy!!! I am missing you today. And missing everyone!!! I get very lonely here in Logan sometimes. I feel like the only person that cares about me is one else notices that I exist. Anyways, I'm really excited for Thanksgiving. And I am preparing myself to be done with almost everything so that I can PLAY all week with everyone. Happy day!!
Love you!!

Lisa Thornbrue said...

Yeah, pictures!