Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This and that.

Marie and Tessa swinging

A quilt I made for a lady in our ward that had a new baby.

Brennan 'hooking' his Grandpa Rigby

Cade's Hook

This is about as messy as EmmaRay got with her birthday cake. Cute cake, she was just full, and tired. Michael stuck her hand in it and she tried to shake off the frosting. It made her cry!


Michaelangelo said...

Thanks for posting these pictures! I need to get our pictures and videos off the cameras, but just haven't had a second yet. I did finish making the 20+ bows that I was behind on last night, so maybe now I'll have a chance to!!

Funny EmmaRay! We got her nice and messy on her birthday-- as long as she had a spoon she would dig right in, and then spread it all over herself. Bathtime in the sink!!

Michaelangelo said...

Just looking again, as usual! Love the quilt- I think it's amazing!

Brenbren said...

That quilt is beautiful. It must be so amazing for you to be able to live to close to your grand kids. I can't wait for that day!