Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

Well, I didn't take very many pictures this I am hoping others will post theirs.  Sometimes it is nice just to enjoy the minute without trying to capture it all on film...........I didn't get any of Christmas Eve with the Rigby's.  It was a ton of fun and wonderful.  Annie, please share :)
Breakfast on the Stairs.  Leah and Kristen coloring.

Still coloring, waiting for Dad, Lisa and Vonicia to come.

Wow, Santa came:  Mainly from Lisa and Vonicia and the extra things Dad threw in at the last minute!

Kristen and Alex added more than their fair share, too.  Amazing!

Let the 'games' begin!

Von waiting for Alex to distribute the loot!

Lisa gave Leah a folding chair.  It was a HUGE hit!

Dad gave Leah a football!  It was also a hit!

When all was said and done, we made a big pile of boxes and wrapping!!!


Lisa Thornbrue said...

Merry Christmas! It was a great one!

Angela said...

Merry Christmas!! I will post pics someday.... thanks for the great gifts! You are AMAZING!