Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quick Trip to Denver

Hello Tessa



And Marie.  We were SO, SO happy to see you!!

We had strawberry shortcake for supper.  Yummy.

Contrary to the way my camera caught her, Marie loved it!

So did Grace.  She started out with one strawberry, but went back for more.

Ben ate a huge plateful.  Yum.

James and Allie were the great chefs.

We went ice skating.  Marie was terrific!

Ben.  The kids can really zoom hanging onto a clothes hamper.

Grace and Ben

James, Allie, Tessa, Marie

Ben crashed and burned.

Beautiful children

As sweet as the day is long.......

James took us all out to dinner after ice skating.  The service wasn't the greatest, but made for a good laugh and free desserts!!!  The dinner time was very fun, as was the ice skating.  Perfect evening. The grandkids are beautiful people as are their parents.  Aren't Steve and I the luckiest people on earth.  Look at our spectacular family.  Every person is incredible.  We love you all.  Thanks for sharing your time on earth with me.

1 comment:

Angela said...

That dinner looks scrumptious! And ice skating looks like it was a blast!