Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kristen Graduates!!!

Okay, you have to use your imagination.  This is Kristen graduating from college.  (It is really Kristen graduating from High School.)  So........imagine forward 4 years, and add 1/2 a baby girl in her tummy and a cute husband in the picture.........and a different colored mortar board; and you would have Kristen graduating from Utah State University Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education.  Congratulations to you, Kristen.  [She didn't 'walk', but I wanted the event recorded!]


Kristen said...

Yeah, you'd have to add quite a few pounds. Some inches to my hair. And a few other things, but you're close!!

Lloyd Family said...

Great job, Muffin!!